[page 379]
[Page numbers]
Aberdeen University 243, 244
Academies, The 40, 42
Adamson: History of Education 27n, 40n, 42n
adult education 248-9, 252-77
(Report on) 154, 261, 267, 272n, 274-6, 324
Advanced Courses in Secondary Schools 104, 1I6, 119-21,304,306
Advanced Courses in Training Colleges 175, 185-7
Alfred 117, 213, 214, 225, 228
Alington, Dr., Headmaster of Eton (evidence) 121, 301
American Universities 248, 323
American literature 258
analysis 45, 139, 278, 292, 297
Anglo-Saxon or Old English 117, 212-29, 243, 265, 286, 288
annotated English texts 103, 117, 329
Armstrong College, Durham University 222, 246
Arnold, Matthew 6, 12, 163, 234, 243, 276
(quoted) 55, 86, 259, 344
his reports on education 46-9
art, place in education 14, 20-1
and literature-teaching 102, 103, 118, 125
Ascham, Roger 30
(quoted) 32, 40
Ashwell, Miss Lena 325
Association of Technical Institutes (resolutions quoted) 154-5
Atkins, Prof. J. W. H. (evidence) 118, 220
Attenborough, Mr. F. L. (evidence) 225
Aydelotte, Prof. F. (quoted) 161-4
Bain, Prof. 244
Ballard. Dr. P. B. (evidence) 72, 279-82
Baltic sources of English Literature 227
Barton, Mr. J. E., headmaster of Bristol Grammar School, (evidence) 117-8, 278-82, 301, 307, 309
Battle of Maldon, The 224
Bede 213, 214, 224
Bell, Andrew 41
Beowulf 213, 224, 227
Bible, The 212, 220, 340-7
influence on English education 34-5, 47, 341-7
bibliography 240, 241-2, 265
Birkbeck College 265
[page 380]
Birkenhead, Henry 243
Birmingham University 233
Board of Education (v. Education).
Bodleian Library 214
booksellers 330
Boots Pure Drug Co. (evidence) 72
Bosworth, Joseph 216
Bradford Public Library 332
Bradley, Dr. Henry 220
Brinsley, John (quoted) 31-2, 34-5, 37-8
British and Foreign Bible Society 41
British Association 272, 376
British Drama League 178, 322, 325
Brougham, Lord 46
Browning, Robert 180, 184, 198, 221
Bunyan, John 35, 198, 343
Burke 180, 184, 203, 207, 220, 228, 234
Burnham scale of salaries for teachers 250
business firms (evidence) 72, 128-33
California University 248
Cambridge University 214, 222-3, 231, 235
Library 214
Local Examinations 168, 196
Local Examinations and Lectures Syndicate 269-70
Press 328
Training Department 189
Tripos (English) 207-8, 211, 222n. 223n
Tripos (Modern and Mediæval Languages) 223n
Cape, Mr. F. W. (evidence) 181
Carlyle. Thomas 180, 274, 276, 329
Carnegie United Kingdom Trustees 331
Central Library for Students 335
Central School of Speech Training 322
Chadwick. Prof. H. M. 302
(evidence) 217-8, 225, 233
Chambers, Mr. E. K. (evidence) 141-3
Chambers, Dr. R. W. (evidence) 224, 225, 237
Chaucer 28, 29, 44, 117, 197, 203, 212-3, 219, 220, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 234
Children's Newspaper, The 339
Christ Church, Oxford 231
Christ's Hospital 107
Clark Lectureship 245, 250
Class distinctions in education 6, 15, 22, 25-6
[page 381]
CLASSICS, THE (v. also Latin, Greek)
age of beginning Latin and Greek 91-4
assist English studies 18, 125, 209-11, 227
assisted by English studies 93-4, 95, 201-2, 208-9
classical drama in Renaissance schools 309-10
classical' Schools' and English Literature 208-9
humanism and the Classics 12-3, 29-32, 37
influence upon English studies 10-11, 16-7, 44-5, 52-3, 55, 94-5, 102, 122, 197-8, 243, 284-5
local culture overlaid by classical education 144
Lowe's criticism of classical education 54-55
mental discipline, as 38-9, 44, 53, 91, 94-5, 197-8
Milton's criticism of classical education 5-6
Moderations at Oxford 206
place in education 7, 12-3, 18, 28-31, 37, 92-3, 95, 98, 197-8, 208, 368
scholarships 230-4
social distinction conferred by classical education 39, 368
Training Colleges and the Classics 44
vocational significance of 98
Wordsworth's criticism of classical education 16
Cockerton Judgment 52
Code of 1862 47-50, 55, 253
Code of 1890 51
Colet, Dean 30
Collins. Prof. Churton 267
Columbia University 323
Comenius (quoted) 49
commercial English 128, 129, 131-2, 136
commercial schools 128, 152-65
Commissions and Committees (v. also Reports)
Bryce Commission on Secondary Education, 1895 51, 97
Committee on Scholarships and Free Places 296
Cross Commission, 1890 50
Modern Language Committee 92, 96, 115
Natural Science Committee 6, 114-5, 119, 120
Newcastle Commission. 1858 43-8, 176
Schools Inquiry Commission, 1867 41, 92, 97, 100
Universities Commissions, 1850, 1871 244, 245
comparative philology 219, 223
and the development of personality 71-2
in elementary schools 47, 49, 52, 71-9, 279
in continuation schools 137, 139, 142, 145-7, 151
in preparatory schools 88, 91, 93
in secondary schools 103, 106, 108, 110-11 , 117, 298
in technical schools 156-7, 158, 159-60, 161, 163
in training colleges 172, 179, 186-7
[page 382]
Composition (cont.)
In Universities 236, 243-4
examination tests in 294-8
Continuation Schools 128, 133-52, 262, 263, 319-20, 333
Cook, Mr. Caldwell (evidence) 103
course system in evening schools 134-5, 153-4
courses for teachers 170, 177, 192-4, 248, 262, 266, 273
Cranmer, Archbishop 30
(quoted) 39
'cycle courses' in English Literature 264
Cynewulf 220, 228
David, Dr., headmaster of Rugby (evidence) 88, 105, 305
Davies, Miss Emily (quoted) 100
Dartmouth, Royal Naval College 103, 110, 151-2, 158, 320
debates 71, 103, 104, 111, 122, 146, 149, 335
degree courses for teachers 187-91
de Sélincourt, Prof. (evidence) 223-4, 236-7
dialect 65, 67, 96, 144, 260, 275-77, 317
Dickens, Charles 85-6
dictation 52, 78, 81
Diploma courses at University of London 187, 264-5, 271
Dowden, Prof. Edward 244
Dowse, Mr. Gerald (evidence) 103
Dowson, Mrs. (evidence) 177
dramatic work in schools (v. LITERATURE)
Dublin University 244
Durham University 188, 232, 246
Early English Text Society 216
early printed books and manuscripts, exportation of 241
economics 154, 254, 274
Edinburgh University 243
art in education 20-1
Board of Education 12, 65, 97, 104, 12S, 154, 168, 171, 173, 174, 175, 177, 178, 269, 297, 303, 317, 322, 372
Circular on the supply of teachers 168
Circular on the Teaching of English in Secondary Schools (quoted) 24, 118-9, 293-4
Memorandum on Commercial Instruction in Evening Schools (quoted) 137-41
Memorandum by H.M. Inspectors of Secondary Schools (quoted) 111-2, 116
Regulations for Technical Schools 133, 154
[page 383]
Board of Education (cont.)
Regulations for the Training of Teachers (1920) 174-5, 176, 183
Suggestions for Teachers (quoted) 70
Syllabus for Final Examination in Training Colleges 175
Board of Education, Newark, U.S.A. 77
Conception of education held by the Committee 5-23, 55-6, 60-1 128-9, 153-7, 159, 165-6
class distinctions in education 6, 39, 40, 42, 48, 59, 67, 87
distraction in modern education 53
Education Act, 1902 99
Education Act, 1918 57, 114, 134, 141, 157, 168, 271-2, 320
education of girls and women 99-102, 195-6, 268
education for leisure 316
mediæval system 28-9
remoteness from life 7, 16-8, 19, 33, 39-40, 54-5, 126, 129-36
rise of popular education 41-53
theory of 'mental discipline' 7, 38-9, 42-53, 93-5, 197-8, 279, 283
theory of 'useful knowledge' 5-6, 40, 42, 46, 53, 60-2, 73
vocational education 60-2, 98, 128-166
Edward VII Chair of English Literature, Cambridge 245
Elementary Schools 57-87, 130, 132, 133, 168, 195, 253, 296
Elrington and Bosworth Chair of Anglo-Saxon, Cambridge 216, 245
Elton, Professor 222
(quoted) 193, 225-6
Elyot, Sir Thomas (quoted) 30, 31
art and English 102, 103, 118, 125
business life, in 72-3, 128-33
can be given a vocational bias 135-41, 160--6
combined with other subjects 125, 205-14
conception of English held by the Committee 10-23, 56; 135-6, 199-204, 277
economy of the English language 287-90
engineers, for 161-4
Honour 'Schools' 201-29
humanism and the vernacular 32-7
inadequate recognition of English in English education 4-5, 9-10, 27-56, 197-9
indispensable basis of education in England 9-23, 57, 60, 199, 369
international position 67-8, 200
Latin and English grammar compared 287-8
Locke's views on 36-7
matriculation, in 229-30
modern language studies and English at Universities 211-14
not a special subject 23-4, 57-8, 63, 106
penal offence in school, as a 37-8
[page 384]
ENGLISH (cont.)
place in school timetable 53-4, 62-4, 90-3, 105-6, 107-8, 121-4, 134-5, 142, 150-51, 369
philosophy and English 164, 206-8
scholarship in English studies 99-101, 116, 125-7, 202-4, 234-42
scholarships and studentships at Universities 230-34
social and national significance 12-5, 21-3, 60, 100, 144-5 165-6, 252-60, 277
theory that it comes by nature 19-20
theory that it is a 'soft option' 94-5, 116, 197-8, 202-4
theory that it lacks content 94-5
treated as a dead language 79, 283
English Association, The 104, 112, 116, 194, 248, 298, 299, 303, 308, 331n
Essays on a Liberal Education (quoted) 53, 285
'essay' writing in school 73,77,103, 110, 117, 147, 175, 179, 296, 297, 298, 299, 300, 311, 312
Essentials of English Teaching, The 109, 116
Evening Classes for adults 259-67
Evening Institutes 321, 373
Certificate examination for teachers 171-5
Civil Service Examinations 73, 184, 295-6
Common Entrance Examination (Public Schools) 89-90, 96
English and Examinations 294-309
entrance scholarships to Public Schools 89, 90, 96
entrance scholarships to Secondary Schools 296
Final Examination for teachers in Training Colleges 175, 178-87
First School Examination 104, 109, 297-8
Intermediate Examination in Arts 188, 190
Investigators of the Secondary Schools Examination Council 297, 298, 299, 303, 304, 306
London University Examinations 190, 196, 216, 235
Oxford and Cambridge Joint Board Examinations 219
Oxford Local Examinations 168, 196
Preliminary Examination for the Certificate 168, 173, 303
Second School Examination 299-300
facsimiles of manuscripts and early printed books 241, 335
fellowships 233, 272
Ferry, Jules 368
Fitch, Sir Joshua 41
FitzGerald, Edward 315
Fogerty, Miss (evidence) 177
France, English studies in 200
pride taken in native language and literature 22, 198, 202
the mother tongue in French schools 94, 103, 368-71
[page 385]
French 67,107, 175, 211, 212
French sources of English Literature 225, 227
position in Mediæval education 27, 28
Furzedown Training College 184
Geography 43, 46, 49, 62, 64, 71, 82, 105, 106, 135, 140, 143, 157, 158, 175, 176, 193
German 67, 107, 211
influence on English studies 217-8, 237, 286, 288-9
Glastonbury players 324
Gollancz, Sir Israel (evidence) 265, 271, 319
Goldsmith, Oliver 45, 215
Gothic 286
distinct from literature 11, 279, 297, 307
grammatical terminology 106
historical 117, 218
humanism and 32, 36
in the Academies 40, 41
in elementary schools 49, 50,51, 79
in early grammar schools 31-2, 36, 37, 38, 40
in preparatory schools 90, 92
in secondary schools 106, 108
in training colleges 43, 44, 45
Joint Committee on the Reform of Grammatical Terminology 106, 291, 376-8
Milton on 35-6
modelled upon Latin grammar 284-5
problem of grammar 278-94, 297
pure grammar 290-3
Grammar Schools
classical foundation 31-40
position in 18th century 38-41
Greek (v. also Classics) 11, 12, 13, 107, 108
combination with English at Universities 222
in Advanced Courses for secondary schools 120
popular origin of Greek literature 257
Greg, Dr. W. W. (evidence) 241-2
Grierson, Prof. J. H. C. (evidence) 209
Grubb, Theodore 275
Hales, J. W. (quoted) 285
Halifax Public Library 332
Hartog, Mr. P. J. (evidence) 72, 73, 75, 76, 300, 301
Harvard University 323
[page 386]
Hawtrey, Miss (evidence) 178, 181
Headmasters' Conference 89, 90
Heywood, Thomas (quoted) 310
Hicks, George, Linguarum Veterum Septentrionalium Thesaurus 215
dramatic work in 311-2
in elementary schools 43, 47, 49, 51, 62, 64, 71, 76, 88, 170
in secondary schools 105, 106, 107, 116, 120, 125
in continuation schools 135, 138, 140, 143-5, 154
in technical schools 157, 158, 159
in training colleges 175, 176, 180-1, 185-6
in Universities 199, 205, 231
of literature 118, 175, 218, 274-6, 304
holiday courses for teachers 104, 192-3
Holmes, Mr. E. G. A. (reports quoted) 51
Hoole, Charles, Art of Teaching School 36
Huddersfield Technical College 155, 156, 159, 261
absence of, in early popular education 42-56
early humanistic ideals 29-31
failure of early humanists to appreciate the value of English 32-3
in continuation schools 142-5
in technical schools 154-6, 160-4
industrial history 135, 159, 160, 164, 276
Infant Schools 63, 64, 68-9, 81, 168, 170
inflexions in English 283-94
Ingram, James 215
Italian 211, 212, 213
Jespersen, Prof. Otto (quoted) 287-8
Johnson, Dr. Samuel 228, 344, 346
Jones, Mr. Daniel (evidence) 177
Junior Commercial Classes 137-41
Junior Departments in Secondary Schools 107-109
Junior Evening Institutes 262
Junior Technical Schools 158-60
Junius, Francis 215
Kay-Shuttleworth, Sir James 42
(quoted) 42-3, 48
Keats 144, 210
Keble 243
[page 387]
Ker, Prof. W. P. (evidence) 218
Kimmins, Dr. (evidence) 69-70
King's College, London University 187, 231, 245, 246, 264, 271
La Fontaine 370
Lancaster, Joseph 41
Langland 224
LANGUAGE (v. also Philology and Grammar)
German influence upon the study of English philology in England 216-9, 286-7
instrument of thought, as an 10, 20, 23, 56, 131, 199
means of communication, as a 10, 60, 294-8
'School' of English Language at Liverpool University 222
study of English Language 11, 166-7, 199-200, 214-29, 281-93
Lanson, Gustave (quoted) 371
Latin (v. also Classics)
in Advanced Courses in secondary schools 120
in mediæval education 28-9
in preparatory schools 91-2
in early grammar schools 30-41
in University 'Schools' of English 222, 227
influence upon teaching of English grammar 284-5
Laud, Archbishop 214
Leathes, Sir Stanley (evidence) 73, 295-6, 300, 302
lecture expliquée 94, 370
lectures by children 71, 103, 108, 146, 151
lectures in Training Colleges 191-2
Lee, Sir Sidney (evidence) 226
Leeds University 189, 232, 246
Lever Brothers, Messrs. (evidence) 72
Liard, M. (quoted) 368-9
Libraries 25, 82, 85-6, 104, 122, 130, 140, 148, 150, 194, 214, 239, 241, 330-1, 338, 372-5
Literary institutes 263
an art 20-21
Arnold on literature in schools 46-49
art and literature 118
Bible as literature 212, 340-7
business training and literature 130
communication of experience, as 8, 9, 12, 13, 15-8, 19, 21, 23, 24, 31, 336-40
compulsory literature in Training Colleges 180-S
contemporary literature 186
dangers in literature teaching and examinations 117-9, 122-4, 125-7, 149-50, 183, 330-9
[page 388]
divorce between literature and modern life 144, 160, 256-60, 273-7
dramatic work in school 66, 71, 81, 86, 103, 104, 108, 111, 130, 150, 156, 160, 178, 275, 278, 307, 308, 309-28
examinations in literature 175, 179-87, 190, 204-14, 298, 300-9
history and literature 151, 205-6
history of literature 44, 118-9, 175, 274-6, 304
literary criticism 118
literature and the social problem 254-6
literature before Chaucer 212-4
literature as a vocational subject 157, 160-4
moral influence of literature 9, 49 86-7, 335-40
national indifference to literature 20-1, 144, 252-60
place of literature in mediæval life 255-8
poetry and industrialism 165-6
relation of English literature to the Classics 12-3, 18, 208-11, 222
'set books' in literature 44-5, 179-83, 302-8
significance in education 8-9, 15, 48-9
sources of English Literature 212-4, 223-9
'specific subject' under the old Code 49
speech training and literature 177
teachers of literature 24, 84, 86-7, 124-7, 183, 191-2
teaching of literature, in-
elementary schools 62-3, 81, 82-7, 177, 178
preparatory schools 88, 89, 90-1, 93-5
secondary schools 97, 100-2, 103-4, 105, 106, 108, 111-2, 113, 116, 117-20, 121-4
continuation schools 138, 140, 142-3, 144, 149-52
technical schools 154, 157, 158, 160, 161-4
training colleges 44, 45, 47, 175, 177, 179-86
universities 201-14, 216-8, 222-9, 235-42, 248-9, 259-60
London evening institutes 263-7
university extension courses 267-72
W.E.A Classes 272-7
working men's alleged hostility to literature 252-4, 272
Liverpool University 222, 233, 235, 246, 323
Local culture 143-4, 275, 324
Locke, John (quoted) 28, 36-7, 39
London Evening Institutes 261-7, 321
London Local Education Authority 65, 85, 167, 245, 248, 260-6, 271, 318n, 322, 332, 372-5
London, University of 245, 323
courses for teachers 192-3
Diploma courses at 187, 264-5, 271
examinations 196, 216, 235
Extension Board 264, 271
[page 389]
London, University of (cont.)
Intermediate Arts Examination 189-90
Regulations for external students 189-90
Lowe, Robert (quoted) 54-5
Low German 216
magazines, school 104, 122, 150, 311
Mais, Prof. S. P. B. (evidence) 320
Manchester University 246
Marshall, Thomas 215
Massachusetts, Institute of Technology 161
Mathematics 44, 54, 92, 98, 125, 142, 159, 175, 197, 231
Matthews, Prof. Brander 323
Mawer, Prof. Allen (evidence) 222
Mediæval and Modern Language Tripos 208, 211, 216
Mediæval Latin 227
Mediterranean sources of English Literature 213, 225, 227, 229,
Mercier, Miss (evidence) 180-1
Merton Professorship of English Language and Literature, Oxford 245
Middle Ages, literature in 255
Middle English 216, 220, 224, 226, 228, 286
Middle French 227
Milton 44, 144, 197, 198, 201, 203, 210, 234, 343, 347
(quoted) 35-6
Minto, Prof. 244
missionary work in the field of English 25, 259-60
modern English philology 220, 285-6
modern languages 91-2, 98, 116, 120, 125, 142, 222, 225-6
Modern Language Association (evidence) 115
modern sides in secondary schools 52, 98, 123
Moorman, Prof. F. W. 275, 302
(quoted) 144, 275
morals, teaching of 8-9, 49, 35-40
Mulcaster, Richard (quoted) 33-4
My Magazine 339
National Home Reading Union 194
National Society 41
Newcastle, Armstrong College 222
Newdigate Prize 234
New English Dictionary 220
Newman, Cardinal (quoted) 20, 346-7
[page 390]
Norman Conquest, effects of 27
Northern Peace Congress 67
novel in class, the 138, 179
Nursery Schools 64
'Observation visits' 125
Old English (v. Anglo-Saxon)
Old French 224
oral expression 68-71, 75, 76, 145-6, 151, 368-71
oral tests in examinations 178, 182, 308-9
Ordinary Course in Training Colleges 175, 179-85
Owen's School, Islington 121-2
Oxford course for rural teachers 192-3
Oxford University 214-5, 231
Extension Delegacy 269
Final Honour 'School' 203n, 216, 224
Press 214, 328
Palfery, Mr. A. E. 85
memorandum by 372-5
Paradise Lost 45, 205, 206
paraphase 44, 45 47, 50, 139
Parents' National Educational Union 83
parsing 45, 139, 292, 297
payment by results (v. Code, 1862)
'penny dreadfuls' 339
periodical literature 147, 335-40
Perse School, Cambridge 103, 108, 189
philology 11, 216-29
philosophy 125, 199, 206-7, 222
phonetics 65, 66, 96, 108, 111, 177, 217, 219, 283, 291, 292, 321, 328
Piers Plowman 212, 228
Pilgrim's Progress 85, 205
Plato 31, 207, 209-10, 254
Pocock, Mr. G. N. (evidence) 151-2, 320
poetry (v. Literature)
Poetry, Oxford Chair of 243, 250
Pollard, Prof. A. W. 241
Pope 144, 205, 346
Précis-writing 117, 139, 151, 295, 298, 299
Preparatory Schools 87-96, 107, 151
press, the 147, 335-40
prizes in English 197
professors of English and adult education 248-9, 259-60
[page 391]
Public Libraries 330-2
Public Schools 6, 12, 88-96, 121-4, 132
publishers 82, 328-9
punctuation 74, 130, 132, 326
puritan attitude towards literature 254
Quiller-Couch, Sir Arthur 376
(quoted) 343-7
Raleigh, Prof. Sir Walter 302, 337
(Evidence) 201-2, 218, 224
Rawlinson Chair in Anglo-Saxon 215-6
reading aloud 49, 51, 79-82, 111, 150, 169, 171-2, 176-7, 178, 326-7
reading circles for teachers 192
recitation 50,81,87, 111, 150, 175, 176, 178, 253
Reports (v. also Commissions, etc.)
London Conference on Speech-Training 65
Conference on the Teaching of English in London Elementary Schools 62
Joint Standing Committee of Headmasters' Conference and Association of Preparatory Schools (quoted) 89, 90, 95
Joint Committee on the Reform of Grammatical Terminology 106
Investigators of Secondary Schools examinations 297-8
research in language and literature 220-1, 234-42
Royal Academy of Dramatic Art 322
rural libraries 331-2
rural teachers 192
Ruskin 234, 274, 276
(quoted) 83
Russell, C. E. B. 148-9
Rylands library 239
St. Andrew's University 243, 244
St. Paul's School 30, 32, 33, 310
Saintsbury, Prof. (evidence) 209, 237
salaries of teachers 25, 158, 101, 249-50
Sanscrit 218, 221
entrance scholarships at public schools 89, 90, 96
to Universities 230-4, 297, 299-300
Science 106, 114-5, 119-20, 123, 125, 142, 159, 162, 164, 165-6, 175, 188, 119, 230, 231, 232, 369, 370
[page 392]
Science and Art Department 51, 98
Science Masters' Association (evidence) 88, 109
Scott, Sir Walter 85, 86, 347
Scripture 76, 105
Secondary Schools 97-127, 133, 169, 172, 173, 195, 333-4
examinations in 297-309
Secondary Schools Examinations Council 297
semantics 220
Senior Evening Institutes, London 264-6
Shakespeare 54, 83, 85-6, 103, 151, 179, 197, 203, 205, 209, 220, 234, 312-5, 321, 325-8, 337, 346
Shakespeare Day 319
Shelley 54, 144, 198, 203, 209, 229, 256
Sherborne School 121, 301
Sidgwick, Henry (quoted) 260
Skeat, Prof. W. W. 216
Smith, Mr. Nichol (evidence) 218, 224
Smith, Mr. Sharwood (evidence) 103, 301
Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge 46
Somner, William 214
Spanish 68, 211
specialisation, dangers of premature 236-7
specialist teachers 77-8
speech-training 19, 22, 60, 64-8, 80, 96, 108, 111, 130, 145, 169, 171-8, 210, 316, 320, 321-2, 325-8
spelling 48, 74, 78, 100, 130, 132, 146, 297
Spelman, Sir Henry 214
Standard English 19, 22, 28, 65-6, 67
Stevenson, R. L. 76, 180
student-teachers 173-4
summer extension meetings 269
supplementary teachers 167, 168, 169, 170
Swedish study of English philology 200, 221
Symonds, J. A. (quoted) 29
Taylor, J. R. (evidence) 159-60, 164
Technical Instruction Act (1889) 98
Technical Schools and Institutes 128, 152-165
text-books 329
textual criticism 240
Theatre, The
English speech in 325-8
visits to 317-8
theses in English language and literature 234-242
Thompson, Francis 312
Thwaites, Edward 215
[page 393]
Training Colleges 42-5, 114, 171-94, 321-2, 333
lectures in 191-2
Training College Association (evidence) 171-2, 173, 174, 180-1
Training Departments in Universities 187-91
translation 106
Turner, Sharon: History of the Anglo-Saxons 215
tutorial classes for working people 196, 248--9, 272-7
Tyndale 343
uncertificated teachers 167, 168, 170
Union of Lancashire and Cheshire Institutes 134
American Universities 248, 323
degrees 234-5
drama at Universities 322-3
English Honour 'Schools' 201-29
English language teaching 214-29
English literature teaching 197-202, 204-14, 216-8, 225-6, 228-9, 234-8, 241, 278
extension classes 196, 260, 267-72
mediæval English Universities 27, 28
Pass 'School' in English 229, 230
professorships and lectureships 242-51
relations of English to the Classics 208-11
relations of English and History 199, 205-6
research in language and literature 219-21, 234-42
responsibilities of English professor to extra-mural students 248--9, 259-60
scholarships and studentships in English 230-4, 297, 299
Scotch Universities 40, 243-4
teachers' need of Universities 25, 187-91
tutorial classes 196, 267-72
University Commissions 244-5
women at Universities 195-6
verse composition in school 76-7, 103, 108, 110-1, 152
Vickers, Messrs. (evidence) 72
Virgil 11, 30, 31, 111, 198, 201
Vives (quoted) 33
voice-production 65, 66, 326, 328
Wales 143, 275, 324n
Wardale, Miss (evidence) 224
Warton, Thomas 243
[page 394]
Watson, Prof. Foster 28n, 32n, 33n, 34n, 35n, 39n
(memorandum quoted) 35
Weekley, Prof. 220
Whitman, Walt 254n, 258n
William of Wykeham 27
Wilson, Miss M. M. (evidence) 233-4
Wisconsin University 248
Wolsey 30
women in extension classes 268-9
Wordsworth 16-7, 45, 86-7, 166, 198, 203, 228, 256, 258, 312
Workers' Educational Association 260, 268, 272-7
Working class attitude to literature 252-60, 268
World Association for Adult Education 260n
Wyclif 343, 345
Wyld, Prof. H. C. 220, 222, 226, 233, 281-2
(evidence) 116-7, 219-20, 225
Y.M.C.A. Universities Committee 269